Mt. Rainier collage in mono
My mind was on monoMonday even though it's hump day so i did this all in mono....after i got done I decided to leave it all that way. I can still drive with my boot so why not take in the splendor of Rainier on this glorious summer day! The picture of Mt. Rainier was taken in Eatonville on the way home, then along the Steven's Canyon Highway I got the bear grass on the upper left and the avalanche lily on the upper right. When I drove to reflection lake the mountain was still clouded in so no lovely mountain lake reflection as I'd hoped. But on the way home it was out in all it's glory from Eatonville.
Driving back home on the rural roads all of a sudden there was a LOUD bang on the windshield and my friend and I both cars or trucks to have thrown up a rock....we thought maybe a bebe gun from the side house along the friday afternoon I'm going to have to get the windshield replaced. I want it in good working order as I'm driving down to Portland Saturday! My first thought after the glass was hit was "well now I can get it replaced and get the free car wash coupons from the repair company.." ...I had just said the other day that I needed to break the windshield so I could get the car wash coupons....moral of story...becareful what you wish for!!!
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