Back to Elford

This being allowed to drive is great.

I started the day with a swim (no frog kick, just a little flick for my breast stroke. not many lengths swimming just yet, but a solid ten lengths walking).

I was a bit tired, but had no intention of missing out. I went back to the other farm shop. I don't know anywhere else where they sell such fabulous fresh large free range eggs for £1.70 a dozen. They welcomed me back and helped me carry the stuff to my car (delicious broad beans too)

I couldn't resist going over to Elford. I couldn't believe how the gardens have come on in the last six weeks. Still a shortage of butterflies (blipped the Small Tortoiseshell) but time may help. They've also a couple of wildflower patches. Stunning.

And now for Wimbledon and Le Tour.....

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