From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Night in the Day

I nearly didn't go out at at all but as I'd not stepped out since Saturday, I thought I'd better force myself. Laptop switched off and out I went.

There were only a few dog walkers out there skidding along the sands. I could hear the seagulls but none of them came close enough in the strong wind for me to grab a picture. I was struggling to stay upright or see where I was going! My camera battery indicator started flashing at me almost straight away but I thought I might as well change it as I was there so I crouched behind the wall. My hands were almost too cold to swap the batteries and carry on. Two shots later and I was walking back home.

I was just in time for cremated pork chop and watery potatoes. I can see where I got my Masterchef tendencies from!

Would you believe it that the sun came out and the sky turned to blue ten minutes after I took this picture?

Here are some Rolling Stones for you....

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