From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Castle on a lazy Tuesday....

I woke at nine minutes past four this morning. What's all that about I'd like to know?! I lay still in the dark for a little while listening to the sea breathing in and out before switching the light on. I checked my phone for messages still wondering what had woken me. No rude jokes from anyone had come through which was a bit of a shame so I retrieved my Kindle from under the edge of the bed and started to read another unread book - Stuart MacBride's Close to the Bone. Shit! That was the title of my last journal! That's where it came from! It just seemed a good title at the time when Bony, my upstairs landing skeleton had taken over my Blipfoto journal for a while. I read until 8:30 and then got up.

I took a break late morning to post a review of the book I read yesterday on Amazon. It's here - Hell to Pay and then I went back to reading until my eyes were hanging out of my head before going out for a stroll along the seafront. It was quite dull but I walked to the Secret Garden and back pausing to take pictures on the way.

Apologies for showing you Greenan Castle again lit up by a strange sunlight which appeared to break up the mist. The ruined form is tattooed on my eyeballs I think. My tendons still ache thinking about it from the last time I was here and climbed - OK, crawled - all the way up and got back down stumbling and bumming it. I've not been quite right since and will forget trying my walking boots for a while yet.

Track? I was surprised to hear this blaring out of a car window parked outside Ayr India on my way back! Here is a wonderful number from the mighty Slade - Coz I Luv You

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