Garden day

Home - to sunshine and more importantly, a good breeze to get the loads of washing dry.

Mr C's deer fence worked - I dead-headed the roses and rescued the above. I read in the Guardian today that there is a hope to introduce lynx back into UK, to Keilder forest near here - apparently they'd work well at keeping the deer population down. I'd be happy but I doubt the sheep farmers would be. About 15 young rabbits have taken up residence and gobbled the carrots and sweetpeas. This will be the first summer without my favourite flower.

Well it's been a busy day unloading the van and getting things tidied up. - Mr C has started slashing the rhododendrons back as they are blocking the paths.

Tomorrow I'll try to get back to normal and catch up with the journals I follow on Blip - though the grandchildren are coming in the afternoon so I might have plenty to do.

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