An Experiment In Progress

I spent some time reorganising my wood pile in the garage this morning.
With the washing machine now gone it meant I could move stuff about and stack it a more organised way.

I also thought I should get back into the swing of doing some turning so I put a bit of branch-wood on and turned what you see.
My nephew who gave me it insists it is cherry - but he knows nothing ....... it is laburnum.
It was cut just a matter of weeks ago so is still wet. Because of that I have turned it as thin as I dare (since I am out of practice) ...... 3mm.
Hopefully it will not distort too much as I would like to make a lid for it. A lot will depend on the base (which is slightly thicker) not splitting as it has the pith (the center) in it and as it dries it may crack from the pith as the latent stresses in the wood .
Only time will tell.

Apart from this, I have done very little else other than watch motor sport. Moisture falling from the sky has precluded getting the hedge trimmer out.

The extra shot is a closer shot of the transition from sapwood (the creamy colour) which is just below the bark and carriers the sap within the tree, to heartwood which is the denser, harder wood and gives the tree its strength.

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