
Walked the dog (in the wet ......again)
Visited the mother-in-law
Visited one of the sisters-in-law
Had lunch
Walked SWMBO (and the dog) ....... in the dry! (must walk her more often)
Went to the craft emporium (failed to find what we wanted)
Went to Bags' house and wrapped up the lathe ready for collection tomorrow (it is now packed up better than when it arrived .... not hard!)
Phoned the courier company to make sure they were coming tomorrow.
Half an hour later the courier arrived at my house!  ...... cheeky, lying barstard! - claimed to have been trying o collect it for 2 weeks. He was pointed in the right direction ......... and gave some cheek to my son-in-law apparently. I suspect he just hadn't been coming to collect it and my call to the office caused a rocket to be fired up his arse.
I feel a letter of complaint coming on.

Other pictures from the day
Rasps -- which aren't as ready as they look.
The Devil's food
A bit of wet.

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