
According to Blip this is my 3650th.
My first one was on 18th April 2007.
I have missed 4 Blips when I was ill and maybe a couple of others.
Blip have 'lost' the rest (I can't be bothered doing the maths).

I took PD on his morning walk and SWMBO took him on his lunchtime one.
All of my pictures from today were taken on the walk.
The ball was another one that PD managed to find, bring to me and then refuse to chase it, play with it or carry it. So we just left it for a more deserving dog.
However, when SWMBO came back she told me that she had seen a ball but PD refused to pick it up ......... until she had walked on quite a distance and he had disappeared - only to return with the ball ..... which he dumped next to her and walked on. It was the same ball!
The boy is a nutter.

I thought I would try a different angle on the orchids. It is the third time I have shot this same one ........ it is conveniently placed next to the path.
When I looked at my pictures on the computer screen when I got home I saw there was a tiny mouse in a honeysuckle which looked just like the Gruffalo's friend.
Other pictures include grasses, cow parsley, water droplets and squirrel activity .......... you can look around for the if you want.

During the afternoon I cut the clematis hedge - and got 'help' with clearing up from a couple of my mate's grandkids who were out playing.
They also joined me in the garage and watched while I did some turning. They actually asked some quite pertinent questions - as well as some absolute rubbish.
Typical 7 year olds.

I also made a step for my sister-in-law to help her get down off her decking..... she has a hip problem at the moment and the current bottom step is just too high ....... so she now has two steps instead of the one.

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