Bluedot/Day 4: Departure

It's important how things finish, isn't it? I need to think about that some more; there's a blog post in it :-) 

This morning, we woke up knowing the festival was over and that all that was left was to leave. But there was a nice vibe to it, very relaxed and... complete, in a satisfying way. 

We took all our stuff to the car, and then the Minx drove us up to Chorley before Dan and I proceeded northwards to the Lakes. We had a chilled afternoon before I dropped him at his guitar lesson in Lancaster and then went back down to the Chorley. 

Feeling the need to purge some of the remnants of the weekend that were still in my system, I went out for a good long run down to Addlington and back, and then we went out for a meal at little Italian restaurant near the Minx's house. After a long weekend and nine mile run, a meal with the Minx was just what I needed.

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