With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Who removed the grotty blinds from the lab for me. And a whole host of other stuff he does. And always with a charming smile.

Ben made me a cup of tea first thing this morning, which I really needed to get me going. Another good day at work, with the after school club going really well. We have nabbed a great blog name and my fab student has already surveyed almost the entire school and is learning nearly as much as I am. (Is it supposed to work that way?)

A far too relaxing hour in the square, knowing that all homework was done meant sausage, mash and gravy for tea. A request infact, and bearing in mind all emergency meals have gone (thanks to the freezer's temporary demise) went quite well. Skype is installed with some VIPs. One to go....

Oops, meant to add a bit of Joe Cocker to this, as it kept me driving on the ring road with a smile. There is a slower, funkier version somewhere.

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