Falling into role

You know, when you stop to think about it, we all have so many roles we have to fulfil at various times in our lives don't we?  I have this theory that it's when we are having to juggle rather too many of these roles that stress happens.

I had sort of thought that today was going to be Domestic Goddess Day 3.  A bit of it will still have to be that!

I decided this morning that I would take Mom and Dad some of the baked cheesecake round.  That was at about 11 am.  I hoped Mom would be up.  She wasn't.  One thing to sort out.  Their washing was still in the machine from Thursday.  Job 2.  More washing needed doing.  Dad couldn't open his emails.  He was still trying to sort out his car insurance to save some money and thence found an email which informed him that the quote he thought was £904 was £11, 234.  Phone calls needed to be made!  By this time I was late to fit into Chauffeur mode for my sister so I could become super aunty prison visitor who hadn't realised she needed quite so much ID with her when it's so difficult to find anything which your name and address on, to trundle up the motorway with a 40mph speed restriction, to order a magazine to be sent into the prison, to get registered , to be searched and sniffed etc etc.  You probably get the picture.  The TYM nephew was rather troubled today but it turned out he's stopped taking his Anti depressants so he then had to have a bit of a talking to about how he can sustain the good influences in his life and not get drawn back into the bad influences.  By the time we came out, my sister needed a cigarette, I needed to get the satnav sorted so I could get home in time to become a domestic goddess type person again.    So this shot is on the car park at one of her majesty's establishments.  Not very exciting, but I haven't had much time to be a photographer (!!!!! Dream on!!!!) 

I know I am lucky that I can do these things.  That somehow I have been blessed with a bit of a coping gene.  

Really looking forward to the Stratford Races Blipmeet tomorrow.

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