Au Revoir

AH14 left today - seems like no time at all since she arrived - but we sure packed things into a week! We had our final breakfast, when asked what she wanted she said we'd better finish up what was left over. I admonished her by saying no way should she say this on her blip as it sounds like I was giving her leftovers! But last time she stayed we did have the remains of a Chinese we'd had the previous night! She didn't leave till about 1 as we started a very interesting conversation, and one we should have had days earlier to have time to talk about things fully! Next visit! I am to go to her but this time no hens - they will be looked after by my sister -  fingers crossed!
I spent the day pottering and moved things around in the kitchen and garden - I had to fill the AH14 space on my kitchen table as it was too sad seeing it empty where she and her laptop had been! When I'd finished everything looked very different and I could put the strangeness down to this and not AH14's absence! 
Lilies in my garden - at least she saw them fully open before she left -  the garden smells heavenly! 

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