
By bananablip

A few of my favourite things

Today I got to indulge in some of my favourite things.

Cooking outdoors. Why is the simple act of setting fire to some coals and charring some meat so satisfying?! I'm not necessarily a huge camping fan but I am a huge campfire fan. Bacon and eggs over coals for breakfast, yes please.

Climbing new hills. The English countryside in the summertime is a beautiful thing. Today we climbed up the Black Hill and down along the Cat's Spine and then alongside the valley, splashing through orange coloured puddles, stained by the red clay mud. We even tried some yoga on the spine, delightful.

Coffee and cake in quirky cafes. We stopped off in Hereford and sat by the river, drinking coffee, eating cake and blissfully reading our books.

The easy company of good friends. Switching between political commentary, ridiculously silly accents and the easy silence with heads buried in books.

On arriving home, I became excited about the prospect of arriving home to the new house. The thought of being able to park the car outside of the house and deposit everything straight into the shed. And the thought of soaking tired feet in a bath. Cannot wait. Going round to take some measurements tomorrow :-)

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