
By AnnieBScotland

the golden hour

taken from my bedroom window, leaning out to miss the eaves, at 7am. as soon as I opened the curtains I knew I only had a short time to capture this before the morning mist disappeared.

I was rudely awakened by one of those automated phone calls. I actually thought it was someone phoning about my car so I was instantly wide awake. I have decided to buy daughter #1's car, which she bought just before she got the job in London. a good deal for both of us was struck and at 10pm last night I put my 9 year old Focus on the Glasgow gumtree site. within minutes I had two phone calls, and even one at 11pm, which I ignored! I have obviously underpriced it, as a lady turned up a 9.30 - instead of the arranged 10- with a wodge of cash, took a cursory look at the car, I took her round the block and the deal was done!!!

hmmm.... so now I am without a car of my own for 4 weeks, until I head off to Vietnam. John kindly says I can hire his any time at a very reasonable charge! Katie is driving the car up in mid Nov, just as I get home.

now I have to clear out the car and it is going away at 4pm. a friend is coming to do some gardening with me at 2 so I'd better get a wriggle on.

we DO get nice sunrises here, I am just never up to see them!!

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