
By AnnieBScotland

rural idyll

who would believe that behind me as I took this lovely idyllic pastoral scene is the ruddy great car park of a Dobbie's garden centre, and a ruddy great Dobbies!!

There are several garden centres dotted along the valley, as the River Clyde meanders towards Glasgow - it has sometimes been called the Garden Valley, as there once were lots and lots of fruit and tomato growers here, and there are still some soft fruit and plums grown. Almost all the garden centres are locally owned, and until a couple of years ago Dobbies, which is the biggest, was owned by a local family and called Sandyholm. Then Dobbies - alias Tesco - came chapping at the door with sacks full of cash and they sold out, and who can blame them.

I was there with a gardening fanatic friend who insists on helping me to tame my garden so the last couple of days have been spend digging and weeding one border, and today we planted it up with a selection of heathers and alpines. one small step for Annie...

the rest of the day involves taking Iain to a surprise party for one of his bowling chums, one and a half hours on the train each way, to stay for two hours before the last train home. the bonus - if you can call it that - is a traditional fish and chip sit-down tea at the chippie next to the railway station before we go.

happy sunday everyone.

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