How many Hearts???

So you thought the challenge word for today would be easy did you??!!

You thought I had plenty of Hearts to choose from being a HeartFreek did you??

Have you any idea how hard it is to choose your favourite??

Do you know just how long it took me going round the house wiping dust and cobwebs off  taking pictures of Hearts with a bad back  ??

And have you any idea how hard it is trying to make a collage when your computer is playing up so you have to save every single one 143  as a 10x8 !!

HARD!!!!! Very HARD!

So I hope your happy now!!!!!!

My favourite one had to be big. Its a log I had chopped and engraved for our 5th Wedding Anniversary!!

July Challenge
1. Self Portrait
2. Busy
3. Best Part of your day
4. Fun
5. On the floor
6. Chair
7. Garden
8. Lunch
9. Big
10. Your favourite colour
11. Letter
12. Texture
13. Open
14. Building
15. Finger
16. Sign
17. Plate
18. Eyes
19. Calm
20. Your addiction
21. 9 o'clock
22. Upside down
23. Mirror
24. A stranger
25. Heart
26. Sunshine
27. On the road
28. Cup
29. Last thing you bought
30. Animal / Insect / Pet
31. Toothbrush

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