Trouble in Paradise

We were rolling along in West Virginia, approaching the capitol city of Charleston. We were on the expressway doing 70 m.p.h., when my dashboard went nuts with a warning, and my engine started smoking. Uh oh.

We got off the interstate, and coasted into a Hardees restaurant. Lisa and the 3 kids camped out in there, and I drove into the sunset with the wrecker driver.

Three hours later, and 359 dollars later...we were back on the road. A plastic piece connecting my radiator to the heater core had burst, so the engine had spewed out all the antifreeze onto itself.

We delivered our 2 kids to their parents (3 hours late), and then drove a few more hours...ending up in Walterboro, South Carolina.

I'm glad the trouble happened when it did...because we could have been way out in the boondocks.

In the Extras, little Lindsay is leaning on the L in front of the LOVE sign at the Virginia Welcome Center.

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