Project of the Day

I have been retired for over 10 years. The day after I retired (on February 28, 2008), I decided to do at LEAST one project per day. Some would be small, some would be LEAST one project per day.

HA! That may be the biggest "white" lie I have ever told on the pages of Blip, and I've told some doozies on here. I can be as lazy as the next guy, but today...I DID have a few projects.

One of them was this chair. No, I did not build it. We bought it at an everyone-can-see-your-bid auction, but it was bare wood, and needed to be painted. I picked out a Michigan blue, and I'm waiting (while posting) to apply coat two.

I've said this WAY too many times...but...notice the back of the chair. It is our Michigan mitten, and we are the ONLY state where you can hold up your hand, and show people where you live.

OK, enough Blip fun. Back to my project of the day.

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