When the morning gathers the rainbow...

...... to the rescue, here I am

This weeks* task is the design and building of a new Mountain Services website - this will test my lowly WordPress skills and my even lower patience levels - as a lifelong fan of the Iain M Banks Culture novels I kinda expect tech to just work intuitively and seemlessly. I believe that's whats known as a naive fool ;-)

Obviously such a task has meant a lot of wandering around the garden and looking at anything other than a computer screen. During one such interlude I heard a frightful racket from the very full water-butt (well the pipe to the very full water-butt) - upon investigation I found this trapped and petrified little fellow - who I tentatively think is a Willow Warbler. 
Good deed done - he flew up into the tree and chattered away for a goodly while - no doubt giving thanks to the ancient gods of fluttering things.

* as in plural, it's going to take ages.

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