A momentary lapse

Thank you for the appreciation shown to my little Willow Warbler yesterday, I'm sure somewhere he's singing a happy song.

It rained hard all night and by the time we were up and moving the garden was fairly waterlogged. It then continued to be torrential for the bulk of the day.
Down in the mancave the drumming rain on the roof was fairly soporific but coffee (mostly) kept me going.
I've always enjoyed understanding how things work, and websites and easy coding are proving no different. I'm also a big believer in doing a task as well as I can, so whilst I have this unwanted time away from the big hills (which I've decided to view as an opportunity) I'm putting lots of backend features in place that may stand me in good stead in the future. Today I cracked the vagaries of form building and started down the tentative road of creating an online shop.
I also want all my course documentation to be online - which has (of course) highlighted the gaps in my course documentation - so when WordPress gets too much I can switch to Serif and document writing.
I've promised myself a big day in the hills every few days to refresh the brain - but having seen the forecast it looks like I'll have to make do with the couple of hours sun each late afternoon is bringing this week.

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