
Becca is at Slimming World each week and usually relieves us of the money. She is a Slimming World loser at target weight with a total of 3 stone off. I lost another 2.5 lbs this week and said that I would try for 4 lbs next week which would take me to 2.5 stone off - mad maybe, but I'm gonna give it my best shot !

Popped to Morrison's this am for more shopping - hopefully that will be it for this week & then Slimming World this afternoon and after I have written this up I will mow the lawn......finally

I have been overwhelmed by all the very generous comments stars & hearts for yesterday's blip which saw me go to Page 2 of the popular - something that is almost unheard of; so Thank you ! Thank you ! Thank you ! 

Rainy morning but a sunny afternoon :-))

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