In Search of Dragons

This morning I had to go to the PO to post a parcel, from there I drove on to Weston Turville Reservoir for a wander & a look for more dragonflies. I only saw one & he was a whopper, but unfortunately he parked himself far too far away for a decent shot, he still made it into the collage though. 

Lots of the vivid blue damsel flies and tons of butterflies flitting amongst the wild flowers. An hour later having had a nice walk I returnedhome for lunch & the news that Z was visiting for a couple of hours. He has now had his lunch & is in the Land of Nod so here I am talking to you .... 

The extra shows a little of the flora that was around today.

Don't forget  I'll give ten points to each of those you can identify in today's collages......

Enjoy the weekend people.

Dry cool & breezy

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