Japanese quilt

When we picked Ella and Nathaniel up this morning they were excited to show us where they slept in their other Granny's house (she has recently moved to Whitley Bay from Somerset). She sewed this stunning quilt for Ella's bed there. It is absolutely magnificent. The detail is so complex.

I took Ella to a party in Kenton gym. Cinderella and Aurora were there - it was a Princess party, but Ella's not got a princess dress. Her mum does not encourage too much girly princesses - as a result Ella hung around the paid-to-be-there princesses for the whole party. Mr C took Nathaniel to Tesco for some food shopping.

After we got home they made elaborate cup cakes with playdoh. I cooked us a quick supper of salmon, new potatoes and peas. Ella asked for all the skin which is her favourite bit.

Hopefully they will calm down soon - Nanny (the other Granny) took them to church this morning. Ella asked me why she had to be quiet in church. It must have been a struggle!

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