Thomas the printmaker

Today was the first of the five we are having Thomas this week. He did some drawing and painting, climbed trees and he told me all about Hammerheaded sharks and another shark which could live on land. We looked it up on the computer and found its name is Epaulette shark. We printed a picture of both and he typed the names above.

After lunch we walked to the printing class. The other child who was going didn’t turn up, so it was very full-on for him. He was so engrossed he was happy for me to go. He used leaves to make prints then drew dinosaurs, a volcano and trees on the material which was cut out to make the block. From that he made more pictures.

We went to the shop and he chose a dinosaur jigsaw - not that he’s obsessed! - which he did quickly.

He is very relaxing company, being happy to do stuff by himself.

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