
By AnnieBScotland

red sky at night...

shepherds' delight. I don't think this old wives tale holds true, as we are promised rain tomorrow.

more gardening today. did spend a bit of time with the macro lens looking for something interesting to shoot, but had no joy with the lone bee I spotted. the garden was in shade at that point. I did get an interesting and in focus stamen shot, then had to get the grass cut and finished. thought I would wait and see if we were going to get a good sunset, and took this quick shot in between cooking lasagne for dinner. same viewpoint as this one from the bedroom window again. liked the dramatic sky and the macro flower will still be there tomorrow.

Iain to dinner - the lasagne is the carrot - so to speak- and he pronounced it my best ever - but then he always says that! so I will reward myself with a long bath and a read.

for those in Scotland enjoying the holiday weekend, hope you all have a great day tomorrow in spite of the weather.

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