Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Job done

As I half-dozed prior to wakening up this morning, I became aware of clanking and banging, and when I came to, I realised -Yay! They're taking down the scaffolding that has adorned the flats opposite for NINE months. They finished the job ages ago, but they just leave the scaffolding in situ until they need it for the next job, thus avoiding storage charges. I must say, I enjoyed watching them taking it down - a very slick operation.

We both went to the gym this morning, though JR put in more effort than I did. Here she is enjoying breakfast in the morning sun before exerting herself.

I mowed the lawn before the afternoon drizzle came. I tried to renew my driving licence online, without success, so I'll have to go to a Post Office.

JR is girding her loins for yet another visit to the South African Embassy tomorrow morning! Fingers crossed...

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