Ridgeback Comet

Today's the day ........................ to get on your bike

Having just picked up my newly-repaired bike from the cycle shop and ridden it home, I have confirmed what I feared might be the case.

Yes - I don't think I have any muscles whatsoever in my legs.  And, quite frankly, the rest of the body is not all that great either.  But then, that was the whole point of getting the bike fixed - slowly and gently, to get some exercise that would restore the old muscles and maybe even develop some new ones. 

The other thing that happened in the bike shop was that the assistant took one look at my cycle helmet and visibly shuddered.  "You're supposed to replace them every three or four years ...." he said.  And sure enough, when I looked inside, it was dated 1992.  "It's nearly as old as I am" he said.  So he helped me choose a new one.  I didn't like to tell him that what swung it for me was the pretty deep raspberry pink colour inside.  I had a feeling that he wouldn't have understood that logic.

So there we have it - I have no excuses now - what with my newly restored bike and my proper helmet.  I'll keep you posted on the muscle development .......................


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