Summer Glow

I slept well but woke early.  Knowing we were due rain later, I took an early trip to the allotment.  I'd not been there since Sunday - nearly a week ago - and with all the rain, things had grown!  I harvested patty pan squash, marrows and my largest ever courgette which had got to about 40cm in length - woops!  There were also plenty of French beans and blackberries to bring home. 

Having looked at my photographs of the allotment from just a month ago, it is incredible how much the plants have grown - they are, on average, about three times the size they were a month ago.  The English marigolds are just beautiful now - they have a rustic look to them do you think?  I harvested this bunch and brought them home so I can continue to enjoy them. 

So, my day is turning out to be one of preparing vegetables and fruit for the freezer and cooking vegetable dishes (soup and curry so far).  Outside the rain arrives in down-pours and the thunder rumbles!

Best wishes to you all.  As always, thanks for being there xx

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