Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Navigating academia

So I have an office space in the Centre for Sustainability and am squarely planted once again in the realm of academia. I still haven't committed to anything until I get some more commitment on $, but for all intents and purposes that will come and I'm ready to go....

But am I ready to go? It feels a little strange being back in the academic world and as I navigate campus buildings bustling with college students and meet academics I have mixed feelings. Maybe this is normal though, especially for someone like me. As ever I have a love-hate relationship I'm still trying to reconcile.

The love - the intellectual energy and freedom. The hate - the "ivory tower" bubble of the academy. Still, maybe living in a bubble isn't so bad. Perhaps like a hot air balloon floating over this crazy world the view from this bubble will become more... clear.

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