FitBit Crushed!

I made up for my lethargic 2 days with a 6 hour stint on the allotment! I didn't intend spending so much time up there but one bit of weeding led to another bit of pruning led to another bit of staking and on it went! I kept myself fortified with peas, raspberries and blackberries, and of course the hens got their fair share too! I also went round the entire inner perimeter of the fence pulling back the grass that was growing up against and through it. I was rewarded with a very healthy signal from the fence checker!
All my work was rewarded when I spotted this peacock on my Pincushion Scabious! These are the plants that survived the winter even though they are an annual! 
I finally made my way home with a selection of beans, courgettes, and potatoes from a tuber I must have overlooked last year as I never plant potatoes in the same place! A good yield too so maybe I'm going about this planting business all wrong? Be interesting to see what I get from the ones I planted this year - they are way overdue being lifted! I always look forward to digging them up - such anticipation and excitement - and sometimes disappointment!
My FitBit dashboard looked a lot better today! I do love it when it vibrates and gives me an animated display of a rocket and stars!! I'm easily pleased! 

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