Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Give the girl some art...

And she's happy as good old larry. Give her some homework at its the end of the world. Maths this weekend and I was shocked at how far behind she is with it all. It's like we open the books and the shutters come down which are then joined by a huge maths mental block. I find it hard to relate to as I was always quite strong at maths, I liked the challenge, but I have to try and remember how I felt about French and all the different tenses. Poor kid. I do feel sorry for her, and I'm ashamed to admit I did lose my temper with her. Not because she was doing it wrong but because she was generally slouching about the place and refusing to try. I'm hoping we might be able to get some extra help for her after parents evening.

Went for what was described as a 'social run' this morning. It was great and rather than running round the lake we were up and down hills and going cross country. It was only 5k but the time flew once I got nattering to some other runners. The positive start to the day has meant I've eaten better today thank goodness!

Rained all day so didn't make it to the woods. We did pick up the girls 2nd hand bunk beds from a friend though. It'll be nice not to hear the girls swaying like a earthquake proof skyscraper every time they roll over in bed.

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