
By DaVinci

Get used to it

Retailers across the country are going out of business

Making a lot of voids (vacant) retail units

Commercial property rents are falling, reflecting the collapse in demand for retail space

An oversupply of retail space, with falling demand, makes....

......yields rise, which makes.........

........capital values fall, which makes.........

....... heavy (paper) losses for investors, which then makes..........

.........other investors scared, and this, together with.........

.........violent convulsions in the financial markets and constrictions on credit, makes..........

.........yields rise even further, which pushes...........

...........capital values down even more, and together with..........

...........falling rents due to consumer spending power makes............

.........capital values fall even more than, er, even more, which makes........

..........this place, technically, worth the square root of diddly squat, which makes...........

..........it very hard to value these assets in the current market, so therefore..........

.........the current indices upon which we pin so much faith are potentially not to be believed, therefore..........

........it makes it even more tricky to know what anything is worth given the current financial conditions, but..........

...........the futures and derivatives market seem to be able to tell us what things will be worth in the future, however........

.........the architects of these markets are the people who overcooked things in the first place, because...........

........they pinned too much on the growth of the indices, so logically.........

.........the people who predict what things will be worth don't quite know what things are going to be worth in the future because they don't quite know what they are worth now, so..................

..........in conclusion.............

.............get used to signs like these going up around retail units near you, and...........

............staying there for a very long time.

And I'm spent.

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