
By DaVinci

Doesn't last long

Very much in use this time of the year this stuff. My top tip is to read the bottle, especially the bit that talks about it being concentrate. Indeed, do concentrate on this particular point, or you will stink your car out with the stuff when you use it.

I got the Vorsprung back from the first brother yesterday, to discover that it needed topped up with this. Luckily found this bottle in my flat. However, Sod's law had the upper hand as:

When I borrowed his Vectra I had asked eldest brother if there was enough washer fluid, given that he had driven the car to Wiltshire and back just days before.

"Aye aye, it'll be fine, I filled it up before I went and just used a bit of it"

On the way up to Drumbeg, for that now infamous New Year trip, I used the windscreen washer once or twice on the M90 (start of the journey).

"Are you planning on using all of that stuff before we get to Inverness", said James, with what can only be described as his best Tom McLaughlin thrawn.

"Not really, but it's good to see out the windscreen, know what I mean?"

Anyway, we got to Inverness with plenty of washer fluid left. But, just in case, because you never know (as the great Chic Murray would say), I bought another bottle.

In the end, the spare bottle wasn't needed, so I returned the Vectra to the eldest brother with replaced fuel and a spare bottle of windscreen washer fluid.

Only to get into my car, and have two alarms bleeping at me:

To fill up the windscreen washer fluid
The car is dangerously low on fuel - fill up quick

If anyone knows the moral of this story I would be very interested to hear about it.

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