Last day at work
Anne called for me at 8am and we went for a run. I then popped to town to get some rolls for the girls’ packed lunch and then dropped them off at work at 9.30am. Today, was their last day. It was raining heavily in the morning and it rained for most of the day.
I started to strip the wallpaper in the girls’ bedroom in preparation for the decorator coming round tonight.
I dropped Jack off at work for 3pm and then popped to town to buy wallpaper and paint for the bedroom. Whilst I was there, Bibi called to say that they had finished work so I went to pick them up and returned to the shop with them.
We only had half an hour left to finish taking the old wallpaper off before the decorator turned up. Richard and Rhodri turned up so Rhodri helped the girls. Ian the decorator turned up at 5.15am. Bibi and Penny went swimming at the leisure centre with Molly and Lucy. Richard and Rhodri left but came back for dinner. Just before Jack finished work, Bibi and I went to Asda because she wanted to buy some snacks for Ed’s arrivel tomorrow. We then went to pick up Jack from work and gave Non a lift to town. It was raining when I got up and still raining when I went to bed. Tonight, Bibi and Penny are sleeping with me.
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