Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The colour of money

So we spent loads in New York in August and had a full on September of busy weekends ... Now I'm seriously skint and it's nearly October and time to sober up. Counting the metal and the paper.

Really shattered today. Worked at home from 7.30, saw the GP, got the biopsy results, arranged follow up appointment, went to work and felt exhausted all afternoon. Came home, ate, worked again, finished at 8.00.

Thing is I'm not the only one. I spoke to several people today and we're all in the same boat. There's such a lot to do.

Anyway I'm on an economy drive. That's it. No more Starbucks and sandwiches from Marks and Spencers. Packed lunches and home made coffee, until Christmas. Time to batten down the hatches ...

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