Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It's your call

This morning was very difficult. The sheer number of different deadlines to deal with before lunch literally made me dizzy (although I know that it was really a side effect of the steroids). One of the things we had to do was to commission a temporary call centre to answer a high volume of queries from the public on a specific issue. My amazing team (one person in particular) rose to the challenge and had it all sorted by 3pm. Great work.

Had the afternoon off, not for leisure but for important stuff. First off was the hygienist who as usual gave my mouth the Spanish inquisition; but after the morning I'd had in the office it was a relief. Then spent a couple of hours with Top Gun going through career and personal options - very positive. Then Morrisons at breakneck speed, followed by sausage egg and chips (class) and then Top Gun and I went off to do this photoshoot of the Vicar of Dibley. It was my man's first time behind the camera and he really seemed to enjoy it. Got some great shots too.

So - another interesting day. Never a dull one at the moment...

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