
Our first full day in Banff started a bit unevenly. We found some directions hard to follow and there were so many people. We did manage to find some space at Lake Minnewanka (yes, it really is spelled like that) and Tim saw his first chipmunk! Naturally, the chipmunk loved him.

Later on we went to the Bow River to see if we could go canoeing. We were in luck! As we headed out one of the guys suggested heading off to the left (always good advice). Soon we saw a cow, a female elk. We were amazed to see such a beautiful creature at fairly close quarters. We soon noticed a juvenile elk so we kept our distance.

A little further down the bank was Daddy Elk. What a magnificent beast! He knew it, too. I took dozens and dozens of photos with my iPhone - oh, to have had a proper zoomy lens. He posed and strutted for quite a while and soon other people in canoes came by. There was a warm feeling of witnessing the glory of Mother Nature. Daddy Elk reminded me of how small and helpless us humans are.

We were on a high for quite a long time after that! The rest of the canoeing was divine and Tim is an experienced steersman. I hope we get to do a lot more canoeing back in the UK.

We wandered all over Banff for a suitable restaurant and our perseverance paid off. The Nourish Bistro was a vegetarian oasis. We had the best meal of the whole trip - a perfect way to finish off such a fabulous day!

I'm now all caught up with my backblips. If you're interested, the backblips start here - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2348222416511041842
And a song I would highly recommend is here - https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/2348085940628488670

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