Not the first time I've featured the Bramdean circle of stonesand it probably won't be the last but I've noticed that, whereas it used to be very overgrown and barely visible in the summer months, someone must now be taking it upon themselves to give it a regular strim.

The letters are the latest I've acquired to put after my name (it's what I do: I collect them). When discussing what to do with them all, Andy at the museum suggested playing Scrabble... Anyway, I am now officially a professionally accredited member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists! Notification of this fact came through during my two-hour meeting with my supervisor, which was good timing. I hadn't managed to pin him down for months so had a lot to cover and, as is always the case, have come away with a massive To Do list. There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel now, though :)

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