From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG

Toddler time

Today, for the first time, Littler G walked all the way to take Little G to pre-school, and then all the way home again. On her insistence. I was impressed. She didn't whinge or ask to be carried once, and stopped nicely to cross all the roads.

Google maps inform me that this is a round trip of about 0.8 miles. It took us 55 minutes, including the time spent changing Little G into his plimsolls, hanging up his bag, coat etc, and saying goodbye. That's quite slow, when you're 34 and a half. It's pretty good going when you're 2 and 1 week. Thankfully it wasn't raining!

Forcing myself to slow down to toddler speed is probably good for me, and the walk was certainly good for her. It was good for *us* too - there is definitely a qualitative difference between walking somewhere holding hands and pushing her along in her chair. We shall do it again. Although perhaps not at pick up time - there are limits ;-)

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