From where I'm sitting

By LoobyG


It's all about timing, isn't it? I got up from our evening viewing of In the Night Garden to check something on the laptop in the kitchen, looked out of the back door and saw the biggest bestest rainbow I've seen in ages. Seriously - I could nearly see both ends. After taking a photo (ok, several photos, just in case) I called Little G through to witness this marvel. He was suitably impressed ("wow! Can I watch the rest of Iggle Piggle now, mum?") Three minutes later, it could no longer be seen.

I'm not that impressed with any of my pictures of it, to be honest. I couldn't get far enough back to get the full arc, and most of the pictures ended up looking like they were just of the side of a house. Some judicious cropping later, and I ended up with this. Doesn't do it justice, but I do quite like the light on the leaves. And at least you can see it's a rainbow. And it spared me from blipping another shot of just grey clouds.

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