
By crabtree

Portland trip day 2

Another scorcher today. After being shut down a bit on the climbs yesterday, I wanted to make up for it today and was keen to log some routes. Unfortunately it happened again! This time on a short pitch that should have been a breeze, who grades these routes anyway?! Trying to avoid the busy crags, we then had a bit of a lenghty off piste walk to the next crag that involved a scramble and abseil in the heat, and by two o'clock we had only climbed one route! 

I climbed one more longer route, and feeling the heat and lack of sleep from the night before I realised my head wasn't there today so I decided to chill, enjoy the view and belay. Once everyone else had tired themselves out we decided another swim was in order so made the scramble down to the shore and found a dubious way in. The water was amazing! Shortly afterwards we found ourselves in a&e as Dan slipped while climbing out of the sea and unfortunately tore his big toenail off, ouch! It didn't look pretty but he put on a brave face and he was patched up pretty quickly.  Good job we had a first aid kit with us to bandage him up in the meantime. Fish and chips followed and we had a fire at the campsite under the stars and the white horse on the hill overlooking the campsite.

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