Inanout syndrome and other delights…..

I have been suffering from this dreaded problem the last couple of days and today we revisited The Vet to advance the solution…so to bark, (altho I was sick I was still barking at others in the lane last night).

The Boss said I got better treatment than he could have as in a couple of hours I had an xray and blood tests complete with results but my dcard took a hit when he checked me out so it will take a while for my Super (I am almost 65 you kno) to top things up again.

So I have this tinned grub for a couple of days and some tummy pills which may have to be wrapped in cheese…Oh I forgot to mention that my refusal to eat cheese created panic this morning. Sigh.

And the nice Vet lady said I was sooo good and laid on the xray table without moving so I got a gold star for that but NO treat… 

The extra is me after they took the drip thingie out and The Boss has got me under his feet so he can yell “Leeeveit” as required ‘Cos I should really be licking the dickens out of my leg. Sigh again…..

Oh again…It’s called gastro enterthingie…. 

Pawscript The tinned grub came in a “get well soon” bag (plastic) but The Boss restrained himself thank goodness.

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