The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Delivery Day

Dear O'H Great Giver of Presents,

I was the best boy today. My morning started with a walk up the hill with Princess Giver of Food. It was GREAT fun. I let her throw the ball for me and I brought it back for her. When we were almost at the top of the hill, I started to worry that she was missing out. I waited until she had thrown the ball and lay down so she could have a turn. Just as a special treat. She LOVED fetching it and then walking halfway up that hill again. I could tell.

Not long after we got home, she went off to do some 'exercise'. She kindly left the bag with all my dog walking treats in the kitchen table so I opened up the zips and had a little mid morning snack while she was away. It made a nice change from yesterday when I decided to eat the pages from one of her cookbooks. The pictures looked yummy but they didn't taste very nice. I tried LOADS of them but I had to spit them all out.

Later in the morning, the shopping delivery man came with my gravy biscuits (and other things I am not allowed to eat). I LOVE visitors. I showed him how excited I was by jumping up at him. Several times.

He left the crate on the kitchen floor to be unpacked. I couldn't believe my luck when I spotted a new yellow ball so I helpfully took it out of the crate and went out to the garden.

PGoF came running out and asked me to drop it. I knew that she secretly wanted to play chase so I obliged by doing laps of the garden. I am such a good boy.

She must have been having great fun because she went to get a treat for me. Annoyingly, I had to drop my lovely new ball to eat my treat and she took it away. She went inside muttering something about not using THAT in a bloomin' stir fry. Apparently it's a special kind of ball. She called it a pepper.

When I had finished my treat, I wandered back in to see what was happening. They had delivered the wrong light bulb so the delivery man put it back in the crate. On the floor.

Between you and me, I don't know much about lightbulbs is but they look VERY dangerous. Immediate action had to be taken. With lightening speed, I snatched it from the crate and thrashed it as hard as I could from side to side.

When I was sure it was dead (and a bit soggy), I dropped it, safe in the knowledge that the threat had passed. I probably saved her life.

She told the delivery man she was sorry as he was heading out of the door. I think it was because she hadn't showered after her exercise. She did complain that our address is probably on a banned delivery list. It wouldn't surprise me. She was rather fragrant.

Are there any more toys in the bag yet?

Or a sausage naan?


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