The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Not A Cross Word

Dear O'H dear,

We were lucky enough to be picked for the 'Once in a Lifetime' experience of walking across the Queensferry Crossing (or as everyone else calls it - the new Forth Road Bridge)

We went to our designated 'travel hub' (Edinburgh Park) where we had to go through security checks.

As we waited, we were played an information message with background music that sounded like one of those emotional tv charity ads. Eldest Mini Princess said she kept thinking that someone was going to pounce and ask her for 'just £3 a month to STOP this kind of thing happening EVER again'.

Security checks consisted of everyone showing photo id and having any snacks confiscated. I bet the security staff were sick of scoffing illicit Wotsits and fizzy pop by end of the day. In fairness, it was a very slick operation and the staff were friendly and helpful.

We were bused to South Queensferry and we walked North along the new bridge. There was a real sense that the experience was something unique and special. It was one of those lovely moments where everyone had a great time and had a happy glow when it ended. I find as the Mini Princesses get older, their appetite for my organised fun filled activities seems to have diminished. Difficult to believe, I know, but there's no accounting for taste.

The only precarious moment was when we passed a toddler who announced loudly that 'This isn't the new bridge. It's a pretend bridge'

I had a brief moment of panic that the bridge would disintegrate and I would realise that I was in the Matrix.

After all that excitement, we had a very chilled evening. Youngest Mini Princess chose Les Miserables for us to watch. I only broke into song twice (out loud). I was VERY restrained.


PS EMP had a lightbulb moment after the film and says she now gets the 24601 reference in the cookbook!

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