Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Ice Cream Heaven

Let's not even talk about the weather....apart from to say that, today, I had to go through the puddle that I managed to avoid yesterday. I was in a line of traffic and there was nothing for it but to drive through...anyway, my car has survived. Tomorrow, I will go a different way!

After work, I picked the younger two boys up from school. Rowan wanted his friend to come for tea. They were all really good, just playing on the PS3 and having a couple of goes on the trampoline....even though it was drenched but that's part of the fun. After tea, I took them all for a treat at the local ice cream parlour, Fredericks....the flavours they chose were: bubblegum; popcorn; chocolate; turkish delight and R-Blox (or something which is based on an energy drink?!) I hope Jack wasn's buzzing too much when I returned him home! (L - R: Jack, Rowan, Lewis and Jed). And yes, of course I had an ice cream too! I love Frederick's ice creams and when I was pregnant with Lewis I ate one almost daily....a wonder he didn't come out with a flake stuck to his head!

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