The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Big Smoke

Dear O'H dear,

I headed down to London on the train today. I always feel that travelling by train is a special treat. I was well prepared for the journey in my comfy joggers and a (carrier) bag of snacks. In all honesty, the look I was rocking was more overexcited village idiot than seasoned traveller (completed by spilling coffee over myself).

Another train and bus journey later and I met up with B. He and I have been friends for almost 20 years and shared a flat many moons ago when we were both young and fancy free. We were the perfect flatmates. I cleaned; he cooked and ironed. We both drank a lot of wine. I still laugh if I ever see a clip of Gimme Gimme Gimme. We used to joke that we were Linda and Tom.

Life hasn't been too kind to B recently but despite this, we had a good evening. We caught up and reminisced. There were giggles, sad moments and comfortable silences. I am immensely proud of my friend's strength and hope he remains resolute.


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