Salt Works...

... Once I had overcome my slight disappointment that the visit I was making today was to the Salt Works and not the Salt Mines  (a slip of the brain pen, when I entered it on the calendar), I had a most informative and entertaining morning.
It was an early start (for those of us who were delivering elderly relatives home after a party a long way from home last night) but well worth it.
I was surprised to see (on the image) how life-like the models look. It was all most atmospheric.
And a little concerning that the whole area which has been disappearing, owing to the mining of salt, for some time is under serious threat of falling down now. All the buildings are leaning. There is a chimney which rivals the Leaning Tower of Pisa. A warning bell with a series of colours has been attached to it. If it goes to the next colour immediate evacuation of the buildings must ensue.
I can't say I was sorry to leave!

I don't usually add it to anything but came home with an immediate craving for a salty snack.

Crisps R Us.

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