Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

A new phase begins...

... I wish I had time to write more this evening, because watching this ladybird emerge was such a thrill. One I have never seen before.
The ladybird arrived all soft and yellow. It hid, cleverly underneath a leaf and, over a period of hours grew shinier and harder and its colour and spots began to show.

I have spent a busy day with the builders. They left at 7.30 this evening.
Comments are going to be sparse this evening, if at all.

Also, I enjoyed a wonderful catch-up with dear dear friends.
(Albeit for not exactly wonderful reasons).

The ups and downs of life.


To all just about to embark on a school year, and new school...

... Live with passion and rejoice in every moment of this incredible journey of life.

Harden your wings all little ladybirds, and fly high.

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