
By Lenore

Batch cooking

Take a Jamie Oliver batch of ragu and double the quantity... the freezer is very full this evening.  My £5 for 2kg of mince from the market all cooked up - I was so worried about what it had turned out like that I couldn't bring myself to taste it.  The husband did the honours for me and assured me it was ok. Phew. 

We went to the church play group this morning and had lunch with one of the ladies who goes - her children are very similar in age to mine.  Lovely lunch, and home for a lovely long sleep for the youngest and probably too long in front of the tv for the eldest.  I had to pack for a long weekend away.  By the end of the day. I'd made two banana loaves, a gallon or so of ragu and done most of the packing, as well as the usual mountain of laundry.  I haven't broken it to the husband yet that he might need to reacquaint himself with the iron over the weekend (he's staying at home).

We had two loo-seats delivered today for the forthcoming potty training, not about to start it in earnest,  I'm not quite ready.  The eldest was very excited about his new loo-seat, ran along the corridor, fell over and bit through his lip, poor, poor boy.  He was very brave, got blood all over my jumper as he very much needed a cuddle to get over it.  Bed time and fast asleep in very short order.  

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