Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Long legs

I took a different route on the way to my stretching class this morning and saw this dock in the pond reflecting so well that I told myself to remember to go back by on the way home to get a photo.   So when I pulled over to the edge of the road and got out of the car I saw the herons and thought to myself "those are really big herons".  Ha Ha...they are really big fake herons!

I wondered if anyone else passing by ever really notices them.  I think by being a photographer things appear in our vision where other people would  not even see it at all.

I sure wish Irma the Hurricane would overlook Florida, Georgia and South Carolina.   Send prayers/good vibes to all those in Florida.  

I cannot even imagine living on a tiny island in the middle of the ocean when Irma stormed over.    There is no where to go.    

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